Eyebrow Bars
Eyebrow Piercing

Everything You Need to Know About Eyebrow Bars

By Anya Petrova, Certified Piercing Specialist

Eyebrow bars are a popular piercing option that can add a touch of edge to your look. But before you take the plunge, it’s important to do your research and find a reputable piercer who can provide you with a safe and professional experience.

What is an Eyebrow Bar?

An eyebrow bar is a straight barbell that is inserted through the skin above the eyebrow. The bar is typically made of titanium or surgical steel, and it is available in a variety of lengths and gauges.

Benefits of Eyebrow Bars

  • Stylish: Eyebrow bars can add a unique and stylish touch to your look.
  • Versatile: Eyebrow bars can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for a variety of occasions.
  • Relatively painless: Eyebrow piercings are generally considered to be less painful than other facial piercings.

Risks of Eyebrow Bars

  • Infection: As with any piercing, there is a risk of infection. It is important to keep the piercing clean and to follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions.
  • Scarring: Eyebrow piercings can cause scarring, especially if they are not properly cared for.
  • Nerve damage: In rare cases, eyebrow piercings can damage the nerves in the eyebrow area.

Choosing a Piercer

When choosing a piercer, it is important to do your research and find someone who is experienced and reputable. Ask for recommendations from friends or family members, or read online reviews.


After getting your eyebrow pierced, it is important to follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions carefully. This will help to prevent infection and scarring.


Eyebrow bars are a popular piercing option that can add a touch of edge to your look. However, it is important to do your research and find a reputable piercer who can provide you with a safe and professional experience. By following your piercer’s aftercare instructions carefully, you can help to prevent infection and scarring.

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