Migraine Piercing Earrings
Ear Piercing

Migraine Piercing Earrings: A Cure for Chronic Pain?

By Anya Petrova, Certified Piercer and Migraine Specialist

Migraine piercing earrings, also known as daith piercings, have gained popularity as a potential treatment for chronic migraines. While the scientific evidence is still limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that this piercing may provide relief for some individuals.

In this blog post, I will delve into the details of migraine piercing earrings, including their potential benefits, risks, and aftercare instructions.

What are Migraine Piercing Earrings?

Migraine piercing earrings are small, curved barbells that are inserted into the daith, a small fold of cartilage in the inner ear.

The theory behind this piercing is that it stimulates a pressure point that may help to reduce migraine pain.

Potential Benefits

Some individuals have reported experiencing reduced migraine frequency and severity after receiving a migraine piercing earring.

However, it’s important to note that the scientific evidence for this benefit is limited. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of this piercing for migraine treatment.


As with any piercing, there are some risks associated with migraine piercing earrings. These include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Pain
  • Scarring
  • Allergic reaction

Aftercare Instructions

Proper aftercare is crucial to prevent complications and ensure the piercing heals properly. Here are some tips:

  • Clean the piercing twice a day with a saline solution.
  • Avoid touching or twisting the piercing.
  • Use a non-stick bandage to cover the piercing for the first few days.
  • Avoid sleeping on the side with the piercing.
  • See your piercer for regular checkups.


Migraine piercing earrings may offer potential relief for some individuals with chronic migraines. However, it’s important to approach this piercing with caution and be aware of the risks involved.

If you’re considering getting a migraine piercing earring, be sure to consult with a qualified piercer and discuss your expectations and concerns.

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